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Faculty research is a cornerstone of MSU and key to an innovative learning environment. The Office for Research supports ComArtSci faculty research and creative activities by helping faculty identify, pursue, and obtain external funding for their work. 

Research Support

The Office for Research (O4R) assists faculty across the College of Communication Arts and Sciences in preparing grant applications to external and internal funding agencies and supports the research interests and activities of the faculty and students of the College. The research support provided consists of budget development, interpreting the Request for Proposal (RFP), completing essential forms, obtaining University Authorized Official sign offs, proposal submission via System-to-System (S2S) electronic application processes. O4R research administrators will serve as liaisons with MSU’s Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Contract & Grant Administration (CGA), subcontracted sites, other MSU departments, and the funding agency.

Researchers are encouraged to contact O4R about planned submissions as early as possible for assistance in grant planning and submission. O4R research administrators can assist researchers with budget preparation, internal proposal routing, sample proposal templates, subcontract administration contacts and more. 

The ComArtSci Office for Research proposal submission policy allows the ComArtSci O4R to follow the MSU OSP proposal submission policy. Faculty and student PIs should follow the policy below:

  • Notification of Proposal should be submitted to O4R no less than betboom team prior to the submission due date.
  • betboom teamFinal budget and budget justification due to O4R 8 business days prior the submission due date.
  • Final proposal documents due to O4R 5 business days prior to the submission due date.

Pre-Award Office for Research Contacts:

  • Tara Miller, Research Administrator, Grant Program Manager
    • Pre-Award Support (all departments)
    • Contact information:, 517-432-7206

Researchers are encouraged to contact their department Post-Award Grant Program Manager (see contacts below) for assistance in grant management and post-award support. O4R can assist researchers with all post-award activities between the time an award/account is established and when the closeout process begins. This includes monitoring expenses, reviewing grant activities, hiring employees, salary allocations, prior approvals, financial reporting, and budget oversight and projections. It is our goal to meet with our PIs in a monthly basis to review grant activities.

Post-Award Office for Research Contacts:

  • Connie Benedict, Grants Fiscal Officer,
    • Post-Award Support (All Departments)
    • Contact information:, 517-353-9609
  • Tara Miller, Research Administrator, Post Award Support Mentor
    • Post-Award Support (Communicative Sciences & Disorders, Communication)
    • Contact information:, 517-432-7206


2.5 month summer pay limit

The College of Communication Arts & Sciences has elected to utilize the University guideline of 2.5 months maximum summer effort as our standard practice. If there are questions regarding this policy, faculty are encouraged to contact their department chair.

ComArtSci Research Subject Payments Policy
If your research includes payments to research subjects, this requires prior approval via your GPM and department chair before funds will be made available. Contact your department GPM (see contact info above) to review processes and procedures.


ComArtSci Research Travel

Any travel must be preapproved prior to making any travel arrangements. Contact your GPM to begin the preauthorization process.

Prior Approvals

Throughout the project period, it may be necessary to make changes to the project that require approval from the awarding agency/grantor.

Needed, Received, and Used

Expenditures that occur close to the project end date need to be reviewed betboom sports bettingwith the "needed, received, and used" concept.

Effort Reporting

Documentation MSU uses to validate the percent of salaries charged or cost shared to projects funded from the Federal Government, the State of Michigan, or other agencies, as applicable.

Federal and State Cost Policy

MSU’s interpretation of federal/state requirements. Assists faculty and staff in determining allowability of costs under federal and state sponsored programs.

Award Closeout

The closeout of a restricted (RC) or unrestricted (RG) sponsored program award finalizes the MSU project account and closes it in the university financial system.

Hiring Research Associates