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Want to make a film the way it is done in the real world ? Be part of a production team that betboom dacha dubaispends a full year making a single film? Screen your film at a real-world theater and at festivals?

The Minor in Fiction Filmmaking educates undergraduates at Michigan State University in the history, theory and production of fiction film through several film courses. The minor combines practical skills in production with conceptual training in film studies. By learning production and analysis together, you will have the ability to produce theoretically informed work that gives you a cutting edge understanding of the challenges of creating quality film experiences.

The minor is administered jointly by the College of Arts and Letters and College of Communication Arts and Sciences. The College of Arts and Letters is the lead administrative unit.

Who is the Minor for?

If you are a sophomore in good standing enrolled in a bachelor's program at Michigan State University, you are eligible to apply for the minor.

The primary pool of students that the minor will draw from will be in the Department of Media and Information and The Department of English. However, students in other academic disciplines are encouraged to apply as long as they are enrolled in bachelor's degree programs at Michigan State University and are in good standing.

Eligibility and Applying

To apply for the minor, you must have successfully completed the required prerequisite courses or successfully completed one of the prerequisite courses and be currently enrollment in the second. You must also submit betboom dachaan application. Applications will be reviewed and decisions made by a subset of the core faculty who teach in the minor. Students will be notified of their acceptance before the beginning of Annual Enrollment.

You must apply and get accepted into this program in order to complete the minor and we encourage you to apply for the minor in the spring semester of your sophomore year.



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Advisor Contacts

The Fiction Filmmaking minor is housed in the College of Arts & Letters. To learn more, please contact a Film Studies/English advisor at

Faculty Contacts
Jeff Wray

Pete Johnston